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As Dr Lloyd Gets Inducted Into Central Bank Age Grade Of Ibaa

Omkpoba community road in Ibaa (ward 6) in Emohua local government area has been earmarked for construction by the administration of Dr Chidi Lloyd.

The chairman of Emohua local government area, Dr Chidi Lloyd disclosed this at his induction ceremony into the central bank age grade of Uvuahu held in Ibaa on Saturday.

Dr Lloyd said that the omkpoba community road which is presently in a very deplorable condition is one of the projects that will be captured in the 2022 budget of the local government council.

He commended the people of Ibaa for the reception and honour accorded him, stressing that his induction into the central bank age grade of Uvuahu is a recognition that he will never take for granted.

Speaking further, the council chairman urged the people of Ibaa to join hands with his administration to reposition Emohua local government area.

Performing the induction of Dr Lloyd into the central bank of age grade of Uvuahu, the Rivers State commissioner of housing, Elder Chinedu Tasie Nwobueze described the council chairman as an outstanding administrator who has redefined governance at the third tier of government.

The honourable commissioner said the induction of Dr Lloyd into the central bank age grade of Uvuahu is in recognition of the council chairman’s sterling performance within his first one hundred days in office, emphasizing that the induction empowers him with all the rights and privileges of an adult citizen of Ibaa.

Elder Chinedu Tasie noted that the council chairman has within his first one hundred days in office set a new record that will be very difficult to beat, stressing that Dr Lloyd presently stands out amongst the present crop of council chairmen.

Earlier in her brief remark, the leader of Emohua local government legislative council, Hon Mrs Love Nyenke thanked the people of Ibaa for the honour bestowed on Dr Chidi Lloyd, describing the council chairman’s induction into the central bank age grade of Uvuahu as a testament of the love and support he enjoys in Ibaa.

She noted that the age grade induction ceremony which is one of the oldest culture of the people of Ibaa became necessary following the return of peace and security in the area, and called on the youths of the area to support the administration of Dr Chidi Lloyd to reposition Emohua local government area.

The council chairman was accompanied to the ceremony by the vice chairman of the council, Hon Mrs Edna Nyeche, the secretary to the council, Chief Vincent Chukwu and other members of executive council, members of Emohua legislative council and principal officers of the council.

Bright Jossy Elendu

Chief Press Secretary,

Emohua LGA.



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